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Table of Contents |
Note |
week number and ordinal date formats are not supported Passing dates in any other format may produce unexpected results. |
YSN Fields
Fields prefixed with ysn are legacy boolean variants. For such fields a value of 0 (zero) equates to False and a value of -1 (negative one) equates to True.
Training Mode Mappings
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string(4) "pong" |
login AnchorLogin Login
Login | |
Login |
string login (string userid, string password, string distributor)
Validates the userid and password against the RON database. If the user is valid, associated globals in the server session are set and a string containing the session id variable name and value is returned. This string needs to be appended as an additional request variable to the server address for most subsequent function calls.
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string(117) "" |
array readCurrentLogin ()
Returns an array of two elements. The first element containing the details of the currently logged in user and the second element the details of the current user's organisation.
Organisation Update Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | |
strReservations | Contact name for any reservations related communications. | |
strReservationsEmail | Email address for reservations. | |
strReservationsPhone | Phone number for reservations. | |
strTechnical | Contact name for any technical support related communications. | |
strTechnicalEmail | Email address for technical support. | |
strTechnicalPhone | Phone number for technical support. | |
strAccounts | Contact name for any accounts related communications. | |
strAccountsEmail | Email address for accounts. | |
strAccountsPhone | Phone number for accounts. |
string readCreditStatus (string hostid)
Returns the credit status of the current user at the host specified.
readPaymentOptions AnchorreadPaymentOptions readPaymentOptions
readPaymentOptions | |
readPaymentOptions |
array readPaymentOptions (string hostid)
Returns an array of zero or more associative arrays each representing a payment option that is valid for the currently logged in user at the host specified.
Credit Card Type Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | Type |
strCCTypeID | Unique identifier for the credit card type. | string(10) |
strCCDesc | Description of the credit card type. | string(50) |
dblWebCardFee | The processing fee charged by the host. This is a percentage applied to the amount being charged. | float |
array readHosts ()
Returns an array of associative arrays each containing the host id, name and a boolean value indicating the current state of the host.
Host Details Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | |
strHostID | Unique identifier for the host. | |
strHostName | Host organisation's name. | |
boolServerUp | Flag to indicate if the host server is currently reachable. | |
boolOnline | Flag to indicate if the host configuration process is complete. | |
strConfigMode | Indicates if the host data was drawn from the live or train registrations. | |
strLocation | Approximate geographical location of the host. | |
strReservations | Name of reservations staff contact. | |
strReservationsEmail | Reservations email address. | |
strReservationsPhone | Reservations phone number. | |
strTechnical | Name of technical support contact. | |
strTechnicalEmail | Technical support email address. | |
strTechnicalPhone | Technical support phone number. | |
strAccounts | Name of accounts department contact. | |
strAccountsEmail | Accounts department email address. | |
strAccountsPhone | Accounts department phone number. | |
strHostType | Indicates whether the host takes live bookings or requests. | |
boolPOBCreditCard | deprecated | |
boolMandatoryOrigin | Host requires the pax origin field in reservations. | |
boolMandatorySource | Host requires the pax source field in reservations. | |
intCancellationOffset | Number of days prior to tour date that reservations for this host can be cancelled via this API. Note that other system rules may still prevent cancellations. | |
intMinimumTourDateOffset | Number of days prior to tour date that reservations for this host can be booked via this API. Note that resource expiries may still prevent new reservations. | |
strInterfaceVersion | Version of the API in use by the host. |
array readPaxTypes (string hostid)
Returns an indexed array of associative arrays containing the pax type information for the host.
-32601: server error. method not found
array readSources (string hostid)
Returns an indexed array of associative arrays containing the pax source information for the host. This may be required by write Reservation for some hosts. See readHostDetails to determine if source is mandatory for a given host.
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-32601: server error. method not found |
array readTours (string hostid)
Returns an array of associative arrays each containing the tour code and tour name for all the publicly visible tours from the specified host.
Tour List Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | |
strTourCode | Identifier for the tour record. | |
strTourName | Name of the tour. | |
boolAvailable | Indicator of tour availability. This does not mean there are seats, just that the tour is enabled and bookable. |
array readTourDetails (string hostid, string tourcode)
Returns an associative array of extended tour information from the host for the specified tour code.
Travel Terms Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | |
strOrgID | Identifier for the organisation. | |
strOrgName | Name of the organisation enforcing the travel terms. | |
strTravelTerms | The terms and conditions for travel. |
array readTourWebDetails (string hostid, string tourcode, boolean images)
Returns an associative array of promotional and descriptive information for the tour. Due to the size of base 64 encoded images, you can optionally request that image information not be returned by sending false as the third parameter.
Tour Times Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | |
intTourTimeID | Identifier for the tour time record. | |
strTourCode | Identifier for the tour. | |
dteTourTime | Associative array containing integer timestamp, scalar and ISO8601 formats for the time. The ISO8601 format is recommended for use in interfaces as the timestamp and scalar representations are now deprecated. | |
ysnIsReturnTrip(currently not supported) | Indicates if the departure time has a return trip. | |
ysnIsDefault | Indicates if the departure time is the default that should be offered up first to the client. | |
ysnActive | Indicates if the departure time is currently active. Inactive departure times should not be presented to the client. |
array readTourBases (string hostid, string tourcode)
Returns an array of associative arrays from the host each containing the details of a fare basis and type for the specified tour. Only records where both ysnWebEnabledBasis and ysnWebEnabledSubBasis are true should be presented to the client. Bookings with disabled bases or subbases will be rejected by the host.
Tour Bases Fields | ||
Field Name | Description | |
strTourCode | Identifier for the tour. | |
intBasisID | Identifier for the basis. | |
strBasisDesc | Short description of the basis. | |
strBasisDesc2 | Long description of the basis. | |
ysnWebEnabledBasis | Indicates if the basis is enabled. Records with a disabled basis should not be presented to the client even if the subbasis is enabled. | |
intSubBasisID | Identifier for the subbasis. | |
strSubBasisDesc | Description of the subbasis. | |
ysnWebEnabledSubBasis | Indicates if the subbasis is enabled. Disabled subbases should not be presented to the client even if the basis is enabled. | |
intFixedNoPax | If this is not zero, the number of pax booked on the basis must be a multiple of this value. Generally only used for accommodations. | |
intDurationDays | Duration in days of Basis. |
array readTourPickups (string hostid, string tourcode, integer tourtimeid, integer basisid, string tourdate)
Returns an array of associative arrays from the host each containing the details of a pickup location and time for the specified tour, time and basis combination. Tour date is optional and if provided, the pickup list will be filtered by the operational bus routes for the day. Note that operational bus routes is a feature not yet supported by all hosts. If a host does not support operational bus routes the pickup list will not change when a tour date is provided.
readTourPrices AnchorreadTourPrices readTourPrices
readTourPrices | |
readTourPrices |
array readTourPrices (string hostid, string tourcode, integer basisid, integer subbasisid, string tourdate, integer tourtimeid, integer pickupid, integer dropoffid)
Returns an associative array from the host containing price, levy and commission information for adult, child, infant, foc and udef pax types. If the tour sell value for a pax type is calculated as zero or the pax type assoc flag is false, that pax type should be disabled on the client. Pickup and dropoff ids are optional but should be provided if a pickup is selected in the booking.
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array( array( "strHostID" => "AS", "strTourCode" => "WDWWMBWC", "intBasisID" => 317, "intSubBasisID" => 988, "dteTourDate" => "21-Dec-2012", "intTourTimeID" => 82, "curAdultTourSell" => 575.00, "curAdultTourLevy" => 25.00, "curInfantTourSell" => 0.00, "curInfantTourLevy" => 0.00, "curChildTourSell" => 460.00, "curChildTourLevy" => 25.00, "curFOCTourSell" => 0.00, "curFOCTourLevy" => 0.00, "curUDef1TourSell" => 0.00, "curUDef1TourLevy" => 0.00, "strCurrencyType" => "AUD", "strCurrencySymbol" => "$", "strPaymentOption" => "comm-agent/bal-pob", "dblAdultCommission" => 19.6667, "dblInfantCommission" => 0.00, "dblChildCommission" => 0.00, "dblFOCCommission" => 0.00, "dblUDef1Commission" => 0.00, "boolAdultAssoc" => true, "boolInfantAssoc" => false, "boolChildAssoc" => true, "boolFOCAssoc" => false, "boolUDef1Assoc" => false ), array( "strHostID" => "EC", "strTourCode" => "BYDTWD", "intBasisID" => 22342, "intSubBasisID" => 4122, "dteTourDate" => "21-Dec-2012", "intTourTimeID" => 711, "curAdultTourSell" => 0.00, "curAdultTourLevy" => 0.00, "curInfantTourSell" => 0.00, "curInfantTourLevy" => 0.00, "curChildTourSell" => 0.00, "curChildTourLevy" => 0.00, "curFOCTourSell" => 0.00, "curFOCTourLevy" => 0.00, "curUDef1TourSell" => 0.00, "curUDef1TourLevy" => 0.00, "strCurrencyType" => "AUD", "strCurrencySymbol" => "$", "strPaymentOption" => "comm-agent/bal-pob", "dblAdultCommission" => 0.00, "dblInfantCommission" => 0.00, "dblChildCommission" => 0.00, "dblFOCCommission" => 0.00, "dblUDef1Commission" => 0.00, "boolAdultAssoc" => false, "boolInfantAssoc" => false, "boolChildAssoc" => false, "boolFOCAssoc" => false, "boolUDef1Assoc" => false, "faultCode" => 201, "faultString" => "ERROR (server-ron) : ERROR (respax-external) : Specified basis does not exist." ) ) |
integer readTourAvailability (string hostid, string tourcode, integer basisid, integer subbasisid, string tourdate, integer tourtimeid)
Returns an integer representing the number of places remaining on the specified trip.
checkReservation AnchorcheckReservation checkReservation
checkReservation | |
checkReservation |
array checkReservation (string hostid, array reservation, array payment)
Runs a series of precommit checks on a reservation without attempting to commit. See writeReservation for the structure of the reservation and payment array parameters. Returns an array of errors in the reservation. An empty array means no errors were found in the precommit check.
array checkReservationAndPrices (string hostid, array reservation, array payment)
This function accepts the exact same parameters as checkReservation
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reservation = array( 'strTourCode' => 'COBBER', 'intBasisID' => 338, 'intSubBasisID' => 677, 'dteTourDate' => "31-OCT-2007", 'intTourTimeID' => 144, 'strPaxFirstName' => 'Wernher', 'strPaxLastName' => 'von Braun', 'strPaxEmail' => '', 'intNoPax_Adults' => 1, ) payment = array( 'strPaymentOption' => 'full-agent' ) results = api.checkReservationAndPrices('OZEX', reservation, payment) |
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array(2) { ["arrCheckReservation"] => checkReservation result or fault ["arrReadTourPrices"] => readTourPrices result or fault } |
See readCreditCardTypes for each hosts' supported credit card types. Note that 'strCardTypeID' in this creditcard array is 'strCCTypeID' from readCreditCardTypes
integer writeCancellation (string hostid, integer confirmation, string reason)
Cancels a reservation at the host with the specified confirmation number and updates the reservation with the cancellation reason. It returns the confirmation number if successful. A reservation must meet the following criteria to be able to be cancelled.