The Release Notes for ResPax version for 20th October 2023
ResPax Booking Engine ( RBE Admin and OBE Public )
Added availability colours to the OBE Accommodation booking form
When there is only 1 time available for a date, the OBE calendar will skip directly to the Booking form
The RBE Booking form calendar now shows availability colours
The RBE Booking form TIME dropdown list now shows availability and colours for all times in a single view
Fare description added to the Accommodation Calendar
Evenly spaced the additional passenger fields on the booking form (Age, Gender, Email, phone etc)
Made the LEFT and RIGHT arrows on the calendar larger
Added Month and Year dropdowns to the availability calendar to enable faster progression between dates instead of only clicking next, next, next
Improved UI for the small calendar for iPhone users
Confirming dates on an Accommodation tour from the tour list now progresses consumer to the Booking page instead of back to the tour list with the new dates selected
The Release Notes for ResPax version for 26th September 2023
send individual or bulk /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1196949844 to guests.
create and save email and SMS /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1196949505
/wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1196982951email and SMS based on matching criteria
review email and SMS comms logs /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1196982273
list email addresses as /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1196950183
Added Cancel Reference and Cancel Reason
Added collapsible accordion for the passenger list in the booking form
Added Area and Address to Tours in Advanced Tour Maintenance
Added Lingo for Subscribe/Opt-In
Added a default payment line for Zero Priced Bookings
Allow bookings for departed tours (enabled booking dates in the past)
Filter available tours by Group Memberships in the booking form
New tool to Unarchive Bookings from Financial Archive
New Lookups for GL Codes
New Lookups for Area and Location (Shared location and sub location)
New Lookups for Resource type and Resource sub type
Requirements for New Quotes Module
Remove user group selection for /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1146454017
Confirm zero price bookings without the need for a payment line
Changed lookup label from Group Type to Group Name
New Page for Guest Subscribe / Opt-In
Updated Site Settings for Opt-In
New Page for Understanding Zero Price Bookings
Updated Page for tour maintenance for Zero Price Booking
Multi-factor-authentication added to improve security
Additional email providers added to support mail aliasing