Payment Options

Staff Users can add/edit payment options and payment lines for a particular Site, Role, and Credit Status. This requires elevated permissions to the Financials tool.


Step-by-step guide to configuring Payment Options

(Navigation: Tools / Financials)

  1. From the main menu, click Tools

  2. Click the Financials menu


  3. Select the Payment Options tab

  4. From the Payment Options card, select Site

  5. Select Role

  6. Select Credit Status

  7. Drag and drop a payment option from Available Payment Options

  8. Click Save All

  9. From the Available Payment Options card, click Add New or Edit

  10. Add/Edit Name

  11. Enabled by default

  12. Add/Edit Description

  13. Select Commission

  14. Select Levy

  15. Select Balance

  16. Click Save

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