Generate Links

Generate Links

This is where Staff Users can generate links to the Online Booking Engine Pages.

Links are available for the Booking Form, Tour Listing, Check In page and Quote Form, and can be used to paste directly into a web browser or connected to a button on your www site.

  1. Booking Form

  2. Tour List

  3. Check In

  4. Quote Form

There are custom parameters (optional) that can be applied when generating Links.

These allow pre-defining the fare (Basis and Sub-basis), and

pre-defining the departure date and time



Step-by-step guide to generating links.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Generate Links

Booking Form

Booking Links can be generated only for a single tour and single site, as well as setting the fall back Web Category so that if a customer follows a link back to the Tour List, the list is filtered by your preferred Web Category.
(Web Categories are where a number of Tours are grouped together.)

  1. Select Site (mandatory)

  2. Select Tours (mandatory)

  3. Select Web Categories (optional)

Tour Listing

Tour List Links can be generated only for a single site, as well as optionally setting a web category and/or tour code to filter the Tour List.
If a Tour is set, then the Web Category is the fall back filter.
If a Tour is not set, then the Web Category is the active filter.

  1. Select Site (mandatory)

  2. Select Tours (optional)

  3. Select Web Categories (optional)


Check In

The Passenger Check-In feature allows passengers to self-check in for tours without requiring reservations staff be present. The Check In links can be generated only for a single site

  1. Select Site (mandatory)


Quote Form

The Quote Form links can be generated for a single site, as well as optionally setting a Shared Location and Sub Location to pre-populate the quote form with related tour options or excursions.
If a Shared Location is selected, the Sub-Location is then filtered by this, showing only sub location that belong to the Shared location (like a Parent-to-Child relationship)

  1. Select Site (mandatory)

  2. Select Shared Location (optional)

  3. Select Sub Location (optional)


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