Add an SMS or Email Template


Step-by-step guide to adding SMS and Email Templates

If a message on the Send Comms form meets the prerequisites for a template, then the user can also save their email or SMS as a template from that form.

Prerequisites for the Save as Template to be available:
- No Template selected
- Subject has text
- Message body has text

Templates (Quick Ref : Guests / Connect / Template / Add Template)

  1. From the main menu, click Guests

  2. Click the Connect menu


  1. Select the Template tab and click on the Add Template button

  1. Select Email or SMS from the available radio button


(1) Do not choose a To mobile number in a template.

(2) Enter the Subject (mandatory)

(3) Add the SMS body (mandatory)

See the Content Fields instructions further below for advanced template options

(4) Continue to step 14

For Email

  1. Choose the From Email address (optional)
    Either manually type the address or select from the list of authorised Senders using the + Add button)

  2. Do not choose a To Email Address in a template.

  3. Do not choose choose a BCC Email Address in a template

  4. Enter the Subject (mandatory)

  5. Add the Email body (mandatory)

See the Content Fields instructions further below for advanced template options

  1. To add an Attachment, click on the large box labelled Choose or drop a file to upload (optional)

  1. Select a file from the list, and select Open

  2. Add a label (optional) and type (mandatory) to the attachment, and select Save

  3. The files will be attached to the template.
    Images will be previewed, and all other documents will show their file type)

  1. Preview the SMS or Email template (optional)
    (SMS instructions continue from here)

  1. Save the template.
    Add the Name (mandatory)
    Add the Description (optional)
    The template will remain enabled by default
    Click Save







Content Fields

The following Content fields are available to insert into an Email or SMS to personalise it for single or bulk communication.

Passenger details are represented in white.

Booking details are represented in blue.

To use the Content fields, place your cursor where you want the field to be inserted in the Email/SMS body and simply click on any content button. Remember to add spaces, commas, hashtags and periods wherever you need them to be to ensure the message is correctly formatted (hint: add a space before each inserted field)

This is a sample template using the highlighted content fields

The Email Template created.

The Email received

Definition of content fields

First Name: The guest/primary passenger’s first name

Last Name: The guest/primary passenger’s last name

Full Name: The guest/primary passenger’s full name

Guest Email: The guest/primary passenger’s email address

Guest Mobile: The guest/primary passenger’s mobile number

Guest Phone: The guest/primary passenger’s secondary phone number



Guest Amount: Total amount of guests/passengers

Qty Pax1: Total amount of Pax Type 1 (i.e. Adults)

Qty Pax 2: Total amount of Pax Type 2 (i.e. Infants)

Qty Pax 3: Total amount of Pax Type 3 (i.e. Children)

Qty Pax 4: Total amount of Pax Type 4 (i.e. FOCs)

Qty Pax 5: Total amount of Pax Type 5 (i.e. Udefs)

Confirmation #: The booking confirmation number

Voucher Comment: The voucher comment on the booking

Tour Name: The name of the booked tour

Tour Description: The description of the booked tour

Tour Date: The calendar date on which the booked tour takes place

Tour Day: The day of the week on which the booked tour takes place



Co. Name: The Tour owner’s name

Co. Phone: The Tour owner’s phone number

Co. Email: The Tour owner’s email address

Booking Total: The total price of the booking

Balance Due: The tentative expiry date of the booking



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