How to Send SMS or Email from RBE


Step-by-step guide to Sending Emails and SMS

Send Comms (Quick Ref : Guests / Connect / Send Comms)

  1. From the main menu, click Guests

  2. Click the Connect menu

  3. Select the Send Comms tab (default)

  4. Select Email or SMS from the available radio button


  1. Choose a Template (optional) from the list using the + Add button
    Caution : The CLEAR button will remove all template content from the form including the from field, subject and SMS body

  2. Search by template name, description or type
    Click on an SMS template to load it into the Send Comms SMS form

  3. Recipients are added to the TO field (mandatory)
    Multiple recipients can be added to the To field as individual SMS are sent, so there is no sharing of contact numbers. (Emails are different and use BCC)

  4. Enter the Subject if a template was not selected (mandatory)
    The subject is not sent in the SMS, however it is displayed in the Comms Logs to easily identify a message

  5. Add/edit the SMS body (mandatory)
    The SMS body may include content fields that require a booking to be added
    before the SMS can be sent.

  1. To use the Content fields to manually create a message (if not using a template, or modifying a templated message), place your cursor where you want the field to be inserted in the SMS body and simply click on any content button. Remember to add spaces, commas, hashtags and periods wherever you need them to be to ensure the SMS is correctly formatted

(hint: add a space before each inserted field)

* Passenger details are represented in white.

* Booking details are represented in blue.

To use any white or blue content fields in an SMS, all recipients must be added using Search By
Only templates or messages with no content fields can have recipients added manually or via the +Add button.

If the template or one-off SMS uses content fields but there is no booking identified, then this error below is displayed when the user selects Send.

  1. Search for Booking(s) to add them to the TO list
    (1) Enter a complete Confirmation No. or any part of a Passenger Name in the Search field on the right
    (2) Select the Booking when it is found
    (3) This adds the booking to your list (on the right) and
    (4) Adds the primary passenger mobile number for that booking into the TO field (on the left)
    (5) Remove a recipient using the trash icon, or manually deleting from the TO field
    (6) Caution : The CLEAR button will remove ALL recipients from the TO field

  1. Repeat Step 6 for as many bookings as necessary

  1. Preview the SMS message (optional)

  2. Send the message

  3. To review the message, see the Comms Log

For Email

  1. Choose the From Email address (optional)

  2. Choose a Template (optional) from the list using the + Add button
    Caution : The CLEAR button will remove all template content from the form including the from field, subject email body and attachments

  3. Search by template name, description and type
    Click on the email template to load it into the Send Comms email form

  1. The email body may include content fields that require a booking to be added
    before the email can be sent.

  1. Search for Booking(s) to add them
    (1) Enter a complete Confirmation No. or any part of a Passenger Name in the Search field on the right
    (2) Select the Booking when it is found
    (3) This adds the booking to your list (on the right) and
    (4) Adds the primary passenger email for that booking into the BCC field (on the left)
    (5) Remove a recipient by using the trash icon, or manually deleting from the BCC field
    Caution : The CLEAR button will remove ALL recipients from the BCC field

  2. Repeat Step 6 for as many bookings as necessary

  3. If the template contains a FROM address, then this will be automatically shown in the From field.
    This can be cleared and manually overwritten, or a new Sender selected from the + Add button

  1. The TO field can be used for single recipient emails but should be left blank for any bulk communication. In bulk emails, it is widely accepted to have all recipients in the BCC field instead of the TO field so that each address remains private, and is not seen by other recipients.

  2. The BCC field (as referred to in step 6) is populated as each booking or passenger is searched and added
    To use the content fields in the email body, the recipients must be added via the Search by so that the Booking details are identified.
    Recipients can be manually added into the BCC field using the Modal or freetype only if there are no content fields used in the email body.

  3. The Email body will be prepopulated if a template was used or be empty for a new one-off email.

  1. To use the Content fields, place your cursor where you want the field to be inserted in the email body and simply click on any content button. Remember to add spaces, commas, hashtags and periods wherever you need them to be to ensure the email is correctly formatted

    (hint: add a space before each inserted field)

    * Passenger details are represented in white.

    * Booking details are represented in blue.

To use any white or blue content fields in an email, all recipients must be added using Search By
Only templates or emails with no content fields can have contacts added manually or via the +Add button.

If the template or one-off email uses content fields but there is no booking identified, then this error below is displayed when the user selects Send.

  1. To add an Attachment, click on the large box labelled
    Choose or drop a file to upload (optional).
    If there were attachments already in the template, these will be added to the email by default

  2. Add a label (optional)
    Add a type
    Select Save
    Images will be previewed, and all other documents will show their file type



  1. Preview the message (optional)

  2. Send the message



  1. To Review or Resend the message, there are detailed instructions provided in the Comms Log documentation and summarised below

  2. From the log, find the message using date range, email address, mobile number and/or message type

  3. Select Preview to review the message or

  4. Select Resend to resend the message

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