There are two places in the Respax system where staff can add and manage bookings. One of these places is in Dashboard and the other place is in Bookings.
Main Features
The Bookings Tab allows
Open and Edit Existing Bookings (see how under Navigating Bookings below)
Add and Edit Quotes
Open and Review Gift Certificates that are associated with bookings
Add a New Booking
Navigating Bookings
From the Main Menu, click on Bookings.
Click on the Pencil Icon to open/edit any of the exisiting bookings.
Use the Search Field to find a booking by typing in the Booking Number or Pax Name
The Pax Name can only be filtered by the first name and not the surname
The Booking Status will indicate whether the booking is Tentative or Confirmed.
To include Canceled Booking's turn on the toggle switch that says Included Cancelled (by default this is turned off)
To see what booking’s only you have made (the staff member who is currently logged in) turn on the toggle switch that says My Bookings Only
To see where the booking’s were created click in the field where it says All Apps which will create a drop down to choose from the list.
To filter the status of the bookings, click in the All Statuses field and select accordingly, the booking status will then update according to the one you choose.
Use the Advanced Search to filter the specific tour date and booking dates