Gift Certificates
Gift Certificates allow customers to purchase a tour as a present for friends, family, or others. The customer pays for the certificate upfront and they will nominate the recipient to receive the gift. An email is then sent out to the recipient where they must redeem the gift within the expiry date.
Gift Certificates can be Purchased and Redeemed in the OBE by consumers and agents and the RBE by reservation staff.
To learn how to setup, purchase and redeem Gifts Certificates click in the links below.
Navigating Gift Certificates
The Gift Certificates tab under Bookings > Gift Certificates is for viewing and checking the status of exisiting Gift Certificates only
From the Main Menu click on Bookings > Gift Certificates.
Click on the Pencil Icon to view the gift details
Click in the search bar and search by Gift No, Name, Email or Mobile to help find the Gift booking.
Click in the ‘All Statuses' drop down menu to find filter via the status of the gift.
Status Meanings:
Issued = A customer has purchased a Gift Certificate and has paid for it but the recipient is yet to Redeem the Gift (this also means that this will not be a ‘confirmed booking’ in the RBE system).
Tentative = A customer has purchased a Gift Certificate but has yet to pay for it (ie a payment link has been sent to the customer but they have yet to pay)
Redeemed = A customer has purchased a Gift Certificate, has paid for it and the recipient has Redeemed the Gift. (Once Redeemed it turns into a confirmed booking with a booking number)
Expired = The recipient has failed to Redeem the Gift within the expiry date.
Cancelled = A customer has purchased a Gift Certificate and a payment has link has been sent but the payment link has expired.