The Quote will then be available for the user to review when they next login to accept or reply.
If the user does not want to accept the quoted details, they can make comments and submit the request again (see customer experience below)
If the Quoted date and Quoted amount is known (and entered) at the time of the first request, the Staff member can review the initial form (submit quote) and immediately set the status to quoted. |
Troubleshooting tips
If the Quote button is not enabled on the Review window, check the following:
Click the edit button to open the quote for review
Note: the quote must have one or more tours, and a Quoted dollar amount to be converted. |
Click the Convert to Booking button
The Promocode field is also set to read-only.
Note: If there are multiple tours in the booking, the accepted quoted price is assigned to the first ticket only. All other tickets will have zero value. |
Like all other bookings, payments are required to secure the booking.
Initially there is no payment details and the booking is both Unpaid and Tentative.