Enable the Waivers integration by ResPax - internal doc https://respax.sugarondemand.com/#KBContents/f73167f8-2ea2-11ef-a98f-06501e68c020
Viewing Waivers from the Dashboard
Wherewolf's onboarding team will manage the design and configuration of the clients waiver.
Wherewolf obtain confirmation from the client to share guest data from WhereWolf Wherewolf to ResPax over the integration.
Wherewolf link the Clients Account clients account to the ResPax Appapp.
Wherewolf contact ResPax providing the Wherewolf app id and in return ResPax provide Wherewolf with the Operator's clients RON host id.
As a New Account new account holder, Wherewolf will take you the client through their step-by-step Wizard wizard .
Then follow the 11-step waiver creation wizard by adding mandatory or optional questions.
-- end of Wherewolf wizard --
Wherewolf ongoing maintenance
Edit existing Waiver questions is done completed from the Waiver Builder page
Update colours and images from Settings/Branding
Add more Activities activities (ResPax Tour Codes) from SettngsSettings/Activities
Change which Email email communications you wish to send, from Settings/Emails
– - end of Wherewolf ongoing maintenance --
There is configuration required by ResPax Staff to enable the WhereWolf ModuleWaiver feature
Once the Wherewolf system is ready, ResPax will turn on the Waiver feature.