RON Fair Use Policy

RON Fair Use Policy


  1. What are the details of your fair use policy?

The company the API Developer is developing for (referred to as the OTA) must

i)                 make bookings through the RON (ResPax Operator Networks) platform to maintain an account. Trinity Software Australia (referred to as TSA) provides API User Accounts with no ongoing charge to the OTA, however there is a requirement that the OTA commit bookings through the RON platform to maintain their account.

ii)                if the User Account is used soley for broadcasting prices and availability but no transactions are made, the User Account may be suspended.

iii)              in the testing phase of API integration, TSA will make all of the ResPax Suppliers available to the OTA, however upon completing the integration the OTA must initiate contact with each Supplier directly to establish their business relationship, and Credit Status.

iv)              each Supplier will configure the OTA with a Credit Status, Commission and Payment method prior to the OTA being mapped to the Supplier on the LIVE RON platform

v)                each party will pay its own costs in relation to entering into and performing its obligations under this agreement including development and infrastructure


The OTA will adhere to TSA’s Fair Use Policy detailed below

i)                 1 committed booking per 3000 calls is acceptable at the commencement of the API integration, but is expected that 1 committed booking per approximately 500 calls will be made within a few months from going live.

ii)                it is at TSA’s discretion to enforce the Fair Use Policy.

    1. Schedule 1 : The OTA  make a call twice per day (8am and 4pm) to get the availability for all products for the next 30 days, equals 2 (times per day) x 30 (days) x 30 (dates) = 1800 calls per month per product
    2. Schedule 2 : The OTA make a call every 5 days to get the availability for the next 7months after the next 30 days, equals 6 (times per month) x 7 (months) x 30 (dates) = 1260 calls per month per product
    3. Schedule 3 : The OTA make a call twice per day (offset 4hrs from Schedule 1 is 12pm and 8pm) for the next 2 days, equals 2 (times per day)  x 30 (days) x 2 (dates) = 120 calls per onth per product
      • Schedule 1 and 3 result in availability with a TTL of 4hrs for today and tomorrow, TTL of 8hrs for the first month, and TTL of 5 days for the next 6 months
    4. Total per month : 3180 calls x 100 products = 318,000 calls per month
    5. Total per day : 318000 / 30 days = 10,600 calls per day
    6. Estimated confirmed bookings per day on this schedule is 3 per day during first implementation and 20 per day after a few months

iii)              the above calculations are based on an OTA’s mapping to 100 products across all ResPax Suppliers.

iv)              the OTA will notify TSA of new Suppliers’ products going live or changes to the implementation which will cause an increase in their daily calls of 20% or more

v)                if a substantial load increase occurs, the OTA will be required to revert the changes while TSA increase capacity to handle this load

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