Colours added to the/wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1146454129 page (green, orange and red)
Lookups for Discounts
Lookups for Tour Extras Groups
Lookups for custom Dropdown List ‘Sizes’
Lookups for custom Dropdown List ‘Levels'Lookups for custom Dropdown List ‘VIP’
Lookups for ‘POS Location’
Lookups for ‘Credentials’
Improved auditing of all changes at the database level, not the application level
Menu items relocated to prioritise Guests and Bookings and Dashboard
Month added to the availability Grid column headers (in addition to the DAY of week and DATE of month)
Page added for creating /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1146454784
Page added for /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1146454784 based on templates
Page added for /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/1146454784 and resending existing emails
Page added for Signup to new Service Desk
Online Booking Engine ( OBE )