Add a custom Level Lookup

Lookups are lists created and maintained by a Staff User. Once created, they can be used as type-ahead and dropdown lists throughout ResPax booking forms and maintenance screens.

The Level Lookup is a custom list that comes empty by default.

Common uses include Cert I, Cert II, Cert III, Professional, Intermediate, Novice

A Staff User can add custom data to the list and then select this field to be collected per Traveller. (optional or mandatory)

The custom lookups can also have Lingo to rename the “Level” to something appropriate for the custom list. In this example it is renamed to Dive Experience

If the ‘Collect’ option is enabled, this displays the Level on the form. If the 'Required' option is enabled this makes the Level a mandatory requirement per passenger type, and will alert if not selected


Step-by-step guide to adding Level Lookups

Origins (Quick Ref : Settings / Lookups / Level / Add)

  1. From the main menu, click Settings

  2. Click the Lookups menu


  3. Select the Levels tab

  4. To add a Level Lookup, click on the Add Level button

  5. Add the Name, and click on the Save button.

The Name must be unique.

If it is not unique the staff user will be presented with a toast message as follows


6. To edit an existing Level Lookup, Click the edit icon.

7. To delete an existing Level Lookup, Click the delete (trash bin) icon

A user cannot delete a Lookup if it has already been applied to a booking.

The staff user will be presented with a toast message as follows 

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