Enabled and use POS Tills for Payments

A standard Jasper report is provided for Cash Reconciliation per staff user per day. In addition to reporting per user, ResPax can report per till (cash drawer per user) to allow multiple users to share a till and make end of day reconciliation easier by grouping the staff users' payments into a shared cash drawer.


Step-by-step guide to enabling, selecting and recording POS Tills against Payment lines

There are no permission required for the Staff User to select Tills at the start of each login.
The below permissions are required only to configure the Lcoations, Tills and a one-time enabling of POS to enforce the users to select a till at the time of liogin

Prerequisites - see User Group Permissions

User Group permissions are required for POS Locations to enable the POS Locations Tab
User Group permissions are required for POS Tills to enable the POS Tills tab
User Group permissions are required for Enable POS Tills to allow editing of the Enable option on the Tills page


Visit https://app.respax.com/signin/ and enter RBE Admin to your Organisation


Login with your staff credential

Select A Location

Select a Till

All Payments added or edited for all bookings will record the Till against the payment line

Jasper Report

From the menu, locate and select Till Reconciliation

Enter your date range, normally [today] and the Tills and/or staff to report on

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