Add New Organisation

In R4A, Maintenance > Organisations Maintenance > Add New > Enter Code, Organisation Name, Select Role, Commission, Credit Status, Default Currency > Save.

In ADMIN, follow below


Step by step guide to adding the minimum required values for an Organisation via the ResPax Web Application

Origins (Quick Ref : Settings / Organisations / Add)

  1. From the Settings Menu, select Organisation and click on Add New Organisation

Org Details Tab

  1. Add Organisation Code (mandatory and unique)

  2. Add Organisation Name (mandatory and unique)

  3. Select one or more Organisation roles

Organisations can belong to one or more of the following :
Agents : make reservations online via webpage/API or via phone/email
Operators : operate the branded tour, or provide 3rd party service for a tour component
Contractor : contracts to the owner (the business name of an individual contractor user)
Owner : the entity that receives the money for the tour (financial entity)

4. Choose the default Currency

5. Add the 6 optional fields (Phone, Fax, Email, CC Email, Website and ABN). Each field will validate the information entered to ensure the format is correct

6. Add the Address and Postal address (all optional)

7. Add the Organisations preferred Pickup location (optional)

Agent Spec

Allocate your Organisations to an Agent Type or Agent Category. This can be used in setting Prices and Commissions in bulk, and used for grouping Agents together on report criteria

Select up to 1 Agent Type group, and up to 1 Agent Category per organisation (optional)

Advanced Tab

  1. Add Terms and Conditions
    This is the field where this Organisation's Travel Terms and Cancellation Policy information should be included. This information is displayed in the Online Booking Process, and included in the Passenger Confirmation PDF.

2. Linked Users (not yet released as of R7)
Organisations that have the role of Agent, require User Profiles created if the Agent wishes to book online in OBE or as an Online Travel Agent (OTA) via RON. The Linked Users button opens the User Maintenance List filtered to only Users that belong to the organisation being edited. (From there, a staff user can add a new Agent User directly to this Organisation, or edit an existing user. To book online, the User Profile must have a username and a password set.

3. OTA Branches (not yet released as of R7)
Large OTA’s have a single sign-on into the ResPax Operator Network (RON), then pass in specific ‘Distributor ID’s' to represent the specific office of the parent Agency that is making the booking. In ResPax the Distributor ID’s are referred to as a ‘Branch Office’. The OTA Branches page is where all the Branch Offices can be linked to their parent company. The OTA Branches button on the Organisations/Advanced page is a quick redirect link to open the form so the Operator’s Staff Users can maintain the list.

Financials Tab

The Financials tab lists the Credit Status, Commission rates, GL Codes and Payment Terms of the selected Agent for each of the Financial entities (Owner Organisations) in the Operators ResPax system.

  1. Add Financial values

  2. Select the Owner (Financial Entity) from the list

  3. Select a Credit Status

  4. Add Commission percentage

  5. Add your GL code

  6. Select the Payment Terms (number of days) that will be displayed on Invoices

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