Organisations is a feature in ResPax that enabled you to add/manage organisations regarding contact details, credit status, and commission.
Organisations can belong to one or more of the following:
Owner - the entity that receives the money for the tour (financial entity).
Agents - create bookings in the system, including OBE (Online Booking Engine), RON API (back end connection), and RBE (ResPax Admin) but do not have access.
Operators - operate the branded tour, or provide 3rd party service for a tour.
Contractor - contracts to the owner (the business name of an individual contractor user)
The Organisation is an important feature across all system especially to manage bookings to invoice agents or manage who created the booking, the organisation must received the money for accountant propose, and to specify what kind of relationship you have with other companies linked with your system as contractors, and 3rd party.
Navigating Organisations
From the Main menu, click on Settings > Organisations
The view features a type-ahead search function for Organisation Code and Organisation Name, making it especially helpful for quickly navigating through a large list of Organisations.
Each of the Column Headers can be clicked on to sort by that column in alphabetical or numerical order
To edit an organisation's details in the system, simply click the
pencil icon.
Add a Organisation
To add a new Organisation, click in the + Add Organisation button
Review settings required for Organisation Details
From the Org Details tab, you will be Required to fill out the following details:
Organisation Code - Unique code used to use the organisation across the systems. Once created, and saved, you will NOT be able to update it.
Organisation Name - Name to help identifying the organisation across the systems.
Roles - There are some roles available including Agent, Operator, Owner and Contractor as explained above. Multiple roles can be selected to the same organisation, according to the need.
Default Currency - The currency used by this organisation when creating bookings, and the option they want to use. As standard in our system, only Australian and US Dollar can be chosen, but other options are available, just contact us to include as requested.
The organisation cannot have multiple currencies, we recommend creating another organisation for a different currency.
The Agent role is ticked by default when creating a new Organisation, but can be removed anytime.
The Organisation is set as enabled by default.
The Default Pickup section is still in development process.
To save the new Organisation, or any updates on this form, click on the Save button.
Only when all fields required are filled out, and saved, the other Agent Spec, Advanced, Financials, and Guest View tabs will become available.
To disable an Organisation, click on the toggle switch where it says Enabled.
3. Review settings required for Agent Specification
From the Agent Spec tab, you can set up additional information allocating Agent Type and Agent Category, both optional fields, and with a dropdown list. This can be used to group organisation according to a program, campaign, or OTAs. These fields assist to add more specifications to filter those organisations.
Note: The list of both Agent Type and Agent Category are displayed accordingly to the list set up in Lookups accordingly. Click here to learn more.
4. Review the settings required for Advanced
From the Advanced tab, additional options regarding Terms and Conditions, and internal mobile number are available.
Organisations Terms and Conditions (optional field) - the details provided in this section will display in the Terms and Conditions option available in the OBE and RBE systems.
Gift Certificate Terms and Conditions (optional field) - the details provided in this section will display in the Terms and Conditions option available in the OBE and RBE systems when customers purchase a Gift Certificate.
Both fields have 200000 characters limit.
International Mobile Number section was created to add default country code mobile number when customer under this organisation create bookings (Default Country), and the second option in the dropdown list (Optional Country Code). By default, the Default Country is “Australia“.
Review the settings required for Financials
From the Financials tab, the Credit Status for all organisations set as Owner are created automatically as “Full Credit - agent collected total booking value“.
To add a new credit status line (sometimes might be required when a new Organisation set as Owner is created and you need to apply them for the current organisations), click in + Add button
To edit a current credit status, click the
pencil icon.
Owner (required) - dropdown list displaying all enable organisations set as Owner.
Credit Status (required) - dropdown list with all credit status available in the system:
Deposit Only, Full Credit, Full POB, Full Levy, and Agent PrePay are options available for organisation but the settings to match a payment type required for those options must be done in Financials > Payment Options.
Stop Sell will stop agents to create bookings. Click here for more details.
Commission - it is set as 0% by default but this is the commission applied for the organisation when bookings is created under it.
GL Code (optional) - It is a code created to group organisations for financial purpose, for example reports.
Payment Terms - it is set as 30 days by default but this is an informative information for invoice propose.
Note: The Financials tab lists the Credit Status, Commission rates, GL Codes and Payment Terms of the selected Agent for each of the Financial entities (Owner Organisations) in the Operators ResPax system
YT1 represents the US Dollar Financial Entity
The other one will be the Owners Organisation Code.
To change the Credit Status click in the dropdown arrow under Credit Status.
Add/edit Commission/GL Code/ Payment Terms.
10. To Add Owner Financials, click on the Add Button.
11. Fill in the fields accordingly and Save.
12. Guest View allows the following groups ‘personal information’ and ‘membership’ to be viewed and recorded by a guest on the public ‘my account page’ when the guest books a tour from the Online Booking Engine (OBE).
Note: To learn more about how a guest profile is created click here
When the Guest has logged into the Online Booking Engine (OBE), they select ‘My Account’
The Guest will be directed to the ‘My Bookings’ page as default. They will need to click on the 'My Account’ tab.
They can now view or record ‘personal information' and ‘membership’ details.