How to Purchase a Gift Certificate online


Available in RBE/OBE 1.6.0 released in March 2024

Gift Certificates must be configured before they can be purchased and redeemed.

See : How to setup a Gift Certificate

When 1 or more tours are enabled to be sold as gifts, then the Buy and Redeem options will display

Payment options are limited to full payment (no partial or deposit) via Gateway Payment types (Credit card, and Paypal)

Instructions - How to Purchase online

Step-by-step guide for consumers to purchase a gift certificate via the OBE direct site.

  1. Find and choose the tour you wish to purchase using any of the actions (click From Price or Check Availability or Book Now)

  2. Choose Buy as Gift from the header

  3. Review the Terms and Conditions for Gift Certificates

  4. The Expiry Date will be shown on the page - this cannot be changed


  5. Choose number of passengers


  6. Enter the Primary Recipient’s name
    Enter the email address of who should receive the gift certificate email once payment is made

  7. Add to Cart

  8. Enter the Purchasers name and email address


  9. Accept the Terms and Conditions and click Checkout

  10. Process your payment via the appropriate gateways (Credit Card and Paypal)

  11. The Confirmation page will be displayed


  12. The redemption code is available immediately via the Print Confirmation button to save as a PDF.
    It is also emailed directly to the recipient. For security, it is not displayed directly to the confirmation page

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