Show Available Dates Only on the OBE Calendar
In RBE/OBE version 1.6.0 released in March 2024, a new tour option is available called ‘Show Available Dates’. The setting is disabled by default and can be configured from the Tour Maintenance / Advanced tab.
The setting is most useful for tours that have infrequent departures, or at minimum, do not depart every day. When enabled, the calendar presented for this tour will show the next 7 available dates, instead of the traditional month to month calendar.
Example: A tour with 2 departure times. It is not operating on Friday 8th March, or Sunday 10th March, or Wednesday 13th March. This is the RBE Tour Availability view
This is the OBE calendar view from the Tour List AND the Booking Form when Available Dates Only is enabled
This is the default month to month view on the calendar for this tour’s availability if the option is disabled.
Step-by-step guide to enabling the Next 7 days calendar view
Origins (Quick Ref : Tours / Maintenance / Advanced Tab / Available Dates Only)
From the main menu, click Tours
Click Tour Maintenance
2. Search or filter the Tour list to locate the tour you wish to update
Click on applicable Tour Code
Go to the Advanced Tab, and to the Options Card
Enable the ‘Show Available Dates’ option
Tour availability can hinge on many factors including the following:
Free Sell at the top level or component level
Resources set at the top level per departure time
Component availability (bubble up of lowest component)
Availability set per day of the week or date
Site default offsets or calendar start dates
Tour Expiry restricting a number of hours prior to the departure time
Staff expiry versus public/agent web expiry