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This is a NON PUBLISHED howto. Work in progress for Tour Locations which do no’t yet have a maintenance UI but WILL have Tour / Advanced options to use it. It will not be usable for any client except NPWS

Lookups are lists created and maintained by a Staff User. Once created, they can be used as type-ahead and dropdown lists throughout ResPax booking forms and maintenance screens.
The Group Membership list is empty by default.
The membership is a ‘type' and 'subtype’ concept.
Types do not have to have a sub-type, but all sub-types must have a (parent) type.


Examples may include:
Head-office and Branch offices, Region and Areas, Company and Brands, Brands and Products.
Group Memberships are associated to User Groups for the purpose of filtering out the Tour list so the Staff User see’s only what they can book or maintain.
An authorised Staff User can add new Groups Memberships and edit existing Group Memberships.


Step-by-step guide to adding Tour Locations

Tour Location
Group Memberships (Quick Ref Navigation : Settings Tours / Users & Groups / Lookups Tab Locations / Shared Location / Add)Image Removed

  1. From the main menu, click Settings Tours

  2. Click the Users & Groups Locations menu

    Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Select the Lookups Shared Locationstab

  4. Image Removed
  5. Select the Group Types tab (on the 2nd row)

  6. Image RemovedImage Added

    Click on the Add Group TypeShared Locationbutton

  7. Image RemovedImage Added

    Add the Group Type Shared Location Name (mandatory)
    Choose the Country from the dropdown list
    The new group type Location will be enabled by default


  1. If this Location will be used to group tours together, then enable the Can Have Tours switch


7. The List view of


Shared Locations can be sorted


and searched.


Location can be edited.


Location cannot be deleted if it is currently assigned to a


8Select the Group Sub Types tab (on the 2nd row)


9. Click on the Add Group Sub Type button


10. Add the Group Sub Type Name (mandatory)
Add a Unique reference for the Sub Type (mandatory)
This can be the same as the name, or a GL code, or a global unique ID from a 3rd party system
The new group sub type will be enabled by default


11. Group Memberships can be applied to User Groups (see User Groups and Understanding Group Membership )


12. In User Groups, the Membership can be associated to:

  • All groups and all sub types, or

  • One group and all sub types, or

  • One group and one sub type, or

  • None



Tour or used in a Booking.


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