The Tour Categories feature is designed to group Tours together. For example, you may wish to group all day’s tours together, and then in another category group all overnight night tours together. The same tour may be added to more than one category.
Tour Categories
From the Main Menu, click on Settings >Tour Categories
Tour Categories - There will be 3 Tour Categories displaying under the subheading Tour Categories as default - Confirmation Report (Display Tickets), Confirmation Report (Display Components), Confirmation Report (Display Extras).
Tours - If you have exisiting tours that you have created, they will automatically display under the Tours subheading. This includes any Components or Extras that are part of your tours.
Under the subheadings - Tour Categories and Tours you will see a search filter function. The search filter function is useful when you have a large list of tour categories or tours that may display across more than 1 page.
The search filter function under Tours will only filter by the Tour Name, not the tour code. See example below
You can also click on the Dropdown arrows next to Rows per page to expand the list of tours or tour categories on the one page. For example, if you have 45 tours and you wish to see them all on the one page here, you will select 50 Rows per page.
How To Add a Tour Category
Click on the Add Tour Category button.
You will be prompted to give the Tour Category a Name (Note: This field is required).
In this example below we have the tour category as Morning Tours, click Save.
The Tour Category will now appear under the Subheading Tour Categories.
You can select the Pencil Icon next to edit the name
How To Link A Tour to a Tour Category
Click on the Drop-Down Arrow of the Tour Category to expand the Tab.
Drag & drop a tour to this area.
You can search for the tour you want on the right-hand side and then ‘drag and drop’ it onto any expanded Tour Category on the left-hand side.