ResPax Quote Form (released March 2023) allows for OBE Agents and Public users to submit a quote request and RBE Admin users to accept the quote, and convert into a Booking. Quotes are independent of the Operators inventory. The do not take availability or prices, and can be scheduled for any date and any time and price.
The OBE form supports the following:
Filtering by the tour option “ Quotable”
Filtering all available Tours by Location and sub-Location
Requesting a custom ‘Other’ tour and adding description
Suggesting a Date Range for the activity
Suggesting a Requested Time for the activity
Adding anticipated numbers of Adults and Child participants
Providing Primary Contact details for the request.
No availability or Prices are required to submit
A list of all requests by the the logged in user with status
Options to Submit new requests and Accept quoted forms
The RBE Admin form supports the following:
Organisation details of the requestor
Confirmed Date and time for the Activity
Quote value returned for user to accept
Easy to follow Status' of Tentative, Quoted, Accepted, Confirmed
To Convert to Booking, the quote must have one or more tours, and a Quote $ Amount