Name = Promo Name (required field)
Description = Describe what this promo is Explain the promotion and what it includes offers (required field)
Web Comment = Any comments you wish to add can be entered here and will appear on the OBE in the booking price under ‘adjustments’ once the promo has been applied. (See below how it appears on the OBE).
On the OBE booking page, once the promo code has been applied, click on the Symbol next to Adjustments to expand the Details of the promocode (Promo Name, Description and ‘Web Comments’ will appear here.
The Smart Rule switch is when the Promo code is not entered manually, this is only for smart rule promo’s and this is where a smart criteria will need to be met.
Click on the Rules tab to define which will display the criteria and actions for the Promo Code.
Select the +Add Criteria button
Click on the ‘Select Criterion’ field which will populate a dropdown list of the available criteria to choose from.
What is selected in the first field determines what values are shown in the 2nd and third fields, and these will be empty until the first field value is chosen.
Select an item from the second criteria dropdown. The available operands will adjust based on the criterion chosen in the first field.
In the third field, select an applicable value to match the criterion type
Select the +Add Criteria button if you need to add more criteria
Select the +Add Action button to choose what type of price adjustment to make.
A dropdown list will populate with price adjustment options to choose from.
Click on the +Add Action button if you wish to add more actions
Once the Criteria and Rules have been finalised click on the Save button to save the promo.
Examples of Promo Codes
Click here to see an example of the Criteria and Actions for a simple ‘Manual Promo Code’
Click here to see an example of the Criteria and Actions for a simple ‘Smart Rule Promo Code’