You can set up an Organisation in Respax and set the business details, terms and conditions and the organisations credit status and commission accordingly. Organisations can belong to one or more of the following:
Definitions - Organisations
Owner = the entity that receives the money for the tour (financial entity)
Agents = make reservations online via webpage/API or via phone/email
Operators = operate the branded tour, or provide 3rd party service for a tour component
Contractor = contracts to the owner (the business name of an individual contractor user)
Add New Organisation
Navigate to Settings >Organisations
Click on the Add New Organisation Button
From the Org Details tab, you will be required to fill out the following details:
Organisation Code (once created you will NOT be able to change/edit in the future, ensure you select carefully).
Organisation Name (you can change/edit the organisation name in the future if need be)
Default Currency (currency can also be changed at anytime) How come this is only AU or US, where does this information come from can clients change this to something else?