RBE Admin Quote Form

ResPax Quote Form (released 2023) allows for OBE Agents and Public users to submit a quote request and RBE Admin users to accept the quote, and convert into a Booking.
Quotes are independent of the Operators inventory.
Quotes do not take availability or prices, and can be scheduled for any date and any time and any price.

RBE Admin Quote Form:

Step-by-step guide to submitting, accepting, and converting quotes into bookings.
Before you start, check the following documentation:
- Understanding Quotes , and
- Configure Tours for Quotes


Submit Quote Request
Quoted Amount
Accept Quote
Convert to Booking

(Navigation: Bookings menu / Quotes tab)

From the main menu, click Bookings

  1. Click the Quotes tab

2. Click New Quote on the top right of the screen

3. Add any missing Agent details of the requestor.
The default values come from the logged in Staff user.
If you need to select a particular Agent, clear the Organisation and type in the desired Agent Code or Agent Name. (The Agent Organisation is a multi-search field searching both Agent codes and names).
The Agent Details (first and last name, email and mobile) do not change when changing the Agent, as these are the details of the person submitting the quote (you ! )

4. In the activity Details, the Area and address are mandatory. This is to reduce the tours displayed to only those that match your activity area. If there is a matching activity available for the Address, it will be shown in the expanded accordion. The Other Activity is always shown. This is often used for quick phone bookings.

5. In the date section, the users preferred dates and times are displayed (when editing an existing request), and the Staff can choose an appropriate Quoted Date and Quoted Time.
The Quoted Date and Time are the proposed date/time from the Operator after they have checked their inventory.

6. In the Group Details section
Add Pax type numbers
Add Primary Contact details
Add Company (optional)
Add Contact Address

For New requests by Staff, the preferred date and time are entered when the quote is going to be submitted as a request (only) but not yet quoted. When the Staff review the request, they will click Confirm Changes button to submit it for further review.


7. Once Staff have set the Quoted Date and Quoted Time and added the Quoted Amount, they can click the Submit button and then Quote Button.

8. When submitted as a quote, a confirmation message is displayed on screen

The Quote will then be available for the user to review when they next login to accept or reply.
If the user does not want to accept the quoted details, they can make comments and submit the request again (see customer experience below)

If the Quoted date and Quoted amount is known (and entered) at the time of the first request, the Staff member can review the initial form (submit quote) and immediately set the status to quoted.
This is intended for phone bookings. The Staff user can also go from Submit to Converted but only if the price is entered.

Troubleshooting tips

If the Quote button is not enabled on the Review window, check the following:

  1. The Quoted Date and Time are valid

  2. The Quote Amount is entered

  3. Click the Back button

  4. Add the Quoted Amount and Submit Quote again


Customer Experience

Once the status is changed by the Staff to ‘Quoted’, then the Public user or Agent user (via OBE) now sees the quoted details from the Operator for the first time (ie the confirmed date, time, & dollar amount).
They can make further changes and resubmit the quote (Confirm Changes) or they can Accept the Quote.
The below screen shows the buttons the user can choose from on their Review Form.


Convert to Booking

  1. The Staff user can view all Quotes from the Quote list view
    Navigation ( Bookings menu / Quotes tab)

  2. The List view allows:
    - Visibility of all quotes and their status
    - Search for a quote by Quote number, Contact name and Agent name
    - Filter by column headers
    - Edit Quotes
    - Quotes are ordered by most recently submitted by default

3. Click the edit button to open the quote for review

Note: the quote must have one or more tours, and a Quoted dollar amount to be converted.

4. Click the Convert to Booking button

Converted Bookings

The converted booking opens in the same booking form as normal bookings but has the following specific differences:
1. The Ticket/Quote Ref will have the Quote Number and be read-only

2. For activities selected using the Checkboxes on the quote form, the matching tour will display in the Tour accordion. The FARE ‘SystemQuoteFare’ and Time come from the Quote and will not match the normal Basis, Sub basis or tour Time for that tour. This is because the Converted Quote represents a non standard departure with pricing, timing and availability manually decided by the Staff. This does not check any normal availability or pricing.

3. The Tour date and Tour time come from the Quoted Date and Quoted Time time on the accepted quote, and are shown within the expanded tour accordion.

4. The FARE details will display ‘SystemQuoteFare’ as both the basis and subbasis on the Booking form and also on Passenger Confirmations and Tour Manifests

5. If ‘Other’ was selected on the quote form, then a System Quote Tour, system fare and quoted time are added to the Booking form. The information from the ‘Other’ text box is saved in the ticket’s General Comments field on the Booking Form.

6. To ensure the accepted quoted price is retained, all tour prices are ignored, and the quoted price is added to the Other Sell field in the first ticket by use of a System Use only Promocode.
The Promocode field is also set to read-only.

Note: If there are multiple tours in the booking, the accepted quoted price is assigned to the first ticket only. All other tickets will have zero value.




Like all other bookings, payments are required to secure the booking.
Initially there is no payment details and the booking is both Unpaid and Tentative.

An Agent on Account or Pay on Board payment line will remove the Tentative flag and become confirmed.
A Pending credit card payment link will extend the tentative flag by 24hours but will still expire and cancel the booking of not paid.


Draft, Tentative, Quoted, Accepted, Confirmed, Cancelled