How to add a Remote Desktop Backup User

How to add a Remote Desktop Backup User

In most instances, Remote Desktop will already display your default user. The user ID is normally your OrgID_1@ad.respax.com.



  1. To add a backup user, please click on the 3 dots (upper right-hand side of the screen) and click on Subscribe.

  1. You will be redirected to the Microsoft Sign in page. Please do not select any of the users already displayed as registered. Click on Use another account instead.

  1. Enter the backup user email.

  1. Enter the password and click Next (contact ResPax Service Desk if unaware of the backup user’s password).

  1. The backup user should now be configured.

 6. When launching the ResPax Desktop app the first time using the backup user, the system will prompt to have the password re-entered. Please ensure to tick the Remember me box.

Please contact the ResPax Service Desk if you encounter any errors when going through these steps.