

Templates can be created as either Email or SMS formats and are typically used to automate bulk notifications to guests based on a set Schedule. Additionally, these templates can be used for manual email and SMS communications to guests, accessible through either the Templates tab or the Send Comms tab.


Add a Template

  1. From the main menu, click Guests > Connect.

  2. Navigate to the Templates tab. Click on the Add Template button.

  1. The following are REQUIRED fields for both Email and SMS in order for the Preview and Save button to be enabled.

    • Template Name

    • Subject

    • Content (Email or SMS body)

template save-20240625-015422.gif

The “Template Description” field can be resized by dragging the “resize icon” at the lower right corner of the text area.


  1. By default, templates are set as “Email. The fields available in the template will vary depending on the format you select.

In both formats (Email or SMS), DO NOT enter any information into the “TO” field. Additionally, for the email template, DO NOT enter any information into the “BCC“ field. Both fields must be left blank.



  • The From field is only available when “Email” is selected. The From field is optional and may be left blank. If left blank, the From email by default will be no-reply@mailer.respax.com. The email can be included manually or choosing the “+ Add” button when it will display all emails set in Lookups Senders.



  • SMS has NO From or BCC field.


Content Fields can also be incorporated into the body for Emails or SMS to automatically extract passenger and/or booking details. Please refer to the Content Fields documentation for guidance when creating templates or sending one-off Emails/SMS.


  1. Images and Links can also be added in the body of the Email. This is not available for SMS.

  1. Alternatively click on the ‘Choose or drop a file to upload’ section to attach a file. This is not available for SMS. Please refer to the Send Comms article for guidance on Attachments.

  1. When the Template is finalised and Saved:

    • The options Email and SMS are greyed out.

    • The Search By field is included in the top right corner to search for a booking number or passenger name.

    • The Send button is added in the bottom left and is disabled by default.


Number of SMS

Character Limit

Character Limit with Emojis

Number of SMS

Character Limit

Character Limit with Emojis










4 (max)



Editing a Template

  1. Clicking on the pencil icon will allow staff to edit an existing template. On the other hand, the bin icon will delete the template permanently and can no longer be retrieved.

  1. The template is saved as enabled by default, but it can be disabled anytime by select the Toggle Switch.

  1. There are some restrictions when attempting to delete a template. If the template is included in a Scheduler, this message will pop up:

The Scheduler function in Guest Connect will be able to help staff send bulk communications to their customers either via an email or SMS. Templates are required to be able to configure a Scheduler. Please refer to the Scheduler documentation to know more.