Lookups (users and groups)

Lookups (users and groups)


Lookups is a feature that controls group permissions, allowing specific groups to access certain tours.

In summary, Group and Sub Group Names can be linked to one or more tours. These group permissions ensure that only the specified groups have visibility of those tours across various sections in RBE, including Tour Maintenance, Dashboard, Booking, and any other relevant areas where the tour appears.

Navigating Lookups (users and groups)

  • From the Main menu, click on Settings > Users & Groups > Lookups

  • The Group Name (highlighted as default) is the first layer of group permissions to apply for Tours, and Sub Group Name is the second layer to go deep with those specific to apply permission.

  • The view features a type-ahead search function, making it especially helpful for quickly navigating through a large list of Group Names.

  1. Click on Add Group Name

  1. Give the Group a name and select the Save button.

  1. The Group will populate in the list as seen below

  1. Click on Sub Group Name and select the Add Sub Group Name Button

  1. Give the Sub Group a Name and select the drop down arrow to see the list of Groups to link with.


  1. From the Main Menu navigate to Tours>Tour Maintenance and then select a tour


  1. Navigate to Advanced and click in the fields under Managed by (Group Name and Sub Group Name) and a drop down list will popluate, select Group Name that was created and the Sub Group Name.

  1. Navigate to Settings>Users & Groups>Groups and open the group you wish to apply this for.

  1. Under Group Membership click in the fields Group Name and Sub Group Name and select accordingly.

  1. Click the Save Button


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