Add New Site


A site is used to control the online presence, including imagery, specific settings, text translations, and defining the payment gateways. Most commonly set per company brand, or for marketing campaigns.


4:45 min watch time

Step by step guide to adding a new site via the ResPax Web Application


  1. From the Main Menu click on Settings > Sites


  2. Select the Add New Site button.


  1. The following fields are Required:

  • Site Code

  • Site Name

  • Owner (select from drop down list)

  • Default Anonymous User (select from drop down list)


Once a site has been created, the site Code cannot be modified (ever), however, the Site Name can

  1. The Site Enabled switch is on by default for new sites but can be disabled at anytime by switching the toggle button off.

  1. The Site Default switch can be turned on to make the site the default site in the booking system.

When the Default switch is turned on the public URL on the OBE (Online Booking System) will automatically display the Default Site theme settings.

OBE (Online Booking Engine)

  1. If you try to turn the Default switch on another site, you will get a Red Toaster Message that will advise to turn off the Default switch on the exisiting Default site first. The system only allows there to be one Default site at a time.


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