How to Purchase a Gift Certificate by Staff in RBE


Available in RBE/OBE 1.6.0 released in March 2024

Gift Certificates must be configured before they can be purchased and redeemed.

See : How to setup a Gift Certificate

When 1 or more tours are enabled to be sold as gifts, then the Buy as Gift switch will display on the Tour Accordion

Payment options are limited to full payment (no partial or deposit) via Gateway Payment types (Credit card, and Paypal) and Reservations (Cash, EFTPOS, Direct Deposit (approved))

Instructions - How to Purchase by Staff in RBE

Step-by-step guide for Staff to purchase a gift certificate via RBE Admin.

  1. Start a new booking for a customer
    In RBE, click on New Booking from the main menu

  1. Search and Select the tour you wish to purchase for the customer (example : REEF)
    Select Add Tour

  1. Choose Buy as Gift from the Tour accodion


  2. For gift purchases, the calendar picker changes to display the Expiry Date (read only)
    The tour time and availability are ignored and a blank space is left
    represented in orange for documentation purposes only

  3. A new card is displayed called Purchaser Details
    Name, email and mobile are mandatory
    this is for the purchaser to receive a receipt of purchase email and PDF

  4. The primary traveller card is replaced with the Gift Recipient Details card
    Name and email are mandatory.
    A gift message is optional but recommended
    this is for the recipient to receive a gift certificate email

  5. click Save and Proceed

  6. click Add Payment

  1. When the booking is balanced and paid, the status will change to Paid and Confirmed

  2. When purchasing a tour as a gift, both the standard Passenger confirmation email and Passenger Confirmation PDF are NOT sent.
    Instead, the gift certificate is emailed to the recipient, and the Receipt + Confirmation is emailed to the Purchaser.
    IMPORTANT : the gift code is not required by the staff and is not visible to the staff in any way.

  3. In the Communications log, a copy of both emails can be viewed and resent
    In RBE, click on Guests > Connect > Comms Log Tab

  4. Excerpt from Preview Email

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