Zero Price Bookings & Dependent Passenger Types

Zero Price Bookings & Dependent Passenger Types

Some Operators offer zero price bookings, or allow certain passenger types to have a zero price, or a zero price for certain dates or fares.

  • ResPax already supported dependent passenger type being sold at $0 price in RBE and OBE regardless of the Zero Price setting, and

  • Any dependent passenger type must have an Independent passenger booked in the same booking.

  • ResPax already supported a Zero total booking price if the Zero Price setting was enabled

From May 2024

As of ResPax v1.6.3 there have been key improvements including:

  1. Independent Passenger types can now be booked in RBE for zero price (no Zero Price setting required)

  2. Dependent passengers can now be dependent on multiple passenger types. For example Infants previously required an Adult companion, but now they can have an Adult or Child or Senior as their companion.

See the updated Passenger Type Settings in ‘Add a Tour’ KB article for further information.

  1. Clearer warnings to the users about dependent passenger types in RBE and OBE


4. The entire booking does not need to be zero for the Zero Price setting to work (allows zero prices per passenger types)

  1. When Zero Price Tour setting is enabled, there is no mandatory requirement to set prices, however if a price is set for a matching fare (the combination of Passenger Type + Date + Basis + Subbasis + Agent) then this will always take precedence over the Allow Zero Price Booking setting.

When setting a price for a fare/pax when the Zero Price option is enabled, the Sell price also displays a message that this tour can be sold for $0.00 if a matching price is not found.



Understanding Zero Price Bookings in RBE

If the allow zero price flag is enabled, and the booking total is $0, then the system will automatically apply a $0 payment line and the booking will be saved as Confirmed and not Tentative.

If the flag is not enabled, an RBE booking can still have a $0 total price. However, a staff member must manually apply a $0 payment. Otherwise, the booking will remain Unpaid and Tentative, and will be later cancelled by the automatic Clean Up procedure.

Understanding Zero Price Bookings in OBE

If the Zero Price setting is not enabled, then Independent passenger types cannot be booked at $0 in the OBE, and a warning will be displayed. Example:

If the setting is enabled and the price is zero, then the guest will see a “Payment is not required” message on the Check out page, instead of a Payment option

If the Zero Price setting is enabled but the total price is not zero, then the guest will see the normal payment options on the Check out page.


Step-by-step guide to using Zero Price Bookings

Zero Price Bookings (Quick Ref : Tours / Tour Maintenance / [Tourcode] / Details tab / Options Card)

  1. From the main menu, click Tours, then Tour Maintenance

  2. Select the pencil icon to edit the tour

    Select the Tour Details tab (already the default tab)

  3. Scroll to the Options Card, enable or disable the Allow Zero Price Booking setting


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