Comms Log


Step-by-step guide to checking the Comms Log

Comms Log (Quick Ref : Guests / Connect / Comms Log)

  1. From the main menu, click Guests

  2. Click the Connect menu

Comms Log

  1. Select the Comms Log tab

  1. In the search bar, the From date and To date will have todays date set as default

  2. The log will display all messages sent today by default

  3. The calendars use standard controls for selecting the From and To date range

    After selecting a date range, select Apply Filters

  4. Search for any part of a mobile number or any part of an email address, and select Apply Filters
    wildcards not required, this searches for ‘like’ not ‘exact’

  5. Choose either SMS or Email logs or both (All Types), and select Apply Filters

  6. From the log, the user can review a sent message by selecting Preview or resend a message by selecting Resend
    The Clear All button will reset the search results and clear the search criteria including todays single date range.

  7. Preview

  8. Resend
    The standard SMS form displayed has no BCC or Attachments
    The standard Email form displayed has all fields

  9. Resending an email or SMS does not allow modification of the message type (email/SMS) or the addition of a template. The Criteria panel including content fields is also not available in this mode.

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